01 June, 2019

English Vocabulary Quiz 4

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English Vocabulary Quiz

1. Take one, skip one, etc.

Correct Answer: Option B

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Be Interspersed, Follow One Another, Be Staggered, Take Turns, Take It In Turns, Work/Act In Sequence, Occur In Turn, Occur In Rotation

Antonyms: Primary, Continued, Continual, Continuing


A Person who acts as a deputy or substitute.

2. To change.

Correct Answer: Option A

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Change, Difference, Modification, Redoing, Refashioning, Remaking, Remodeling, Revamping, Review, Revise, Revision, Reworking, Variation

Antonyms: Fixation, Stabilization


The act, process, or result of making different.

3. Argument.

Correct Answer: Option D

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Argument, Argle-Bargle [Chiefly British], Argy-Bargy [Chiefly British], Battle Royal, Bicker, Brawl, Contretemps, Controversy, Cross Fire, Disagreement, Dispute, Donnybrook, Falling-Out, Fight, Hassle, Imbroglio, Kickup, Misunderstanding, Quarrel, Rhubarb, Row, Scrap, Set-To, Spat, Squabble, Tiff, Wrangle

Antonyms: Agreement, Acceptance, Communion, Understanding


An often noisy or angry expression of differing opinions.

4. A Choice.

Correct Answer: Option B

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Choice, Discretion, Druthers [Dialect], Election, Liberty, Option, Pick, Preference, Selection, Volition, Way

Antonyms: Obligation, Compulsion, Necessity, Permanent


The power, right, or opportunity to choose.

5. Philosophy of putting another's welfare above one's own.

Correct Answer: Option C

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Sympathy, Selflessness, Self-Sacrifice, Self-Denial, Unselfishness

Antonyms: Egoism, Self-interest, Greed, Egotism, Cruelty


Disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others..

6. Interested in the welfare of others.

Correct Answer: Option A

Parts of Speech: Adjective

Synonyms: Charitable, Beneficent, Benevolent, Do-Good, Eleemosynary, Good, Humanitarian, Philanthropic

Antonyms: Self-Centered, Self-Concerned, Selfish


Having or showing a concern for the welfare of others.

7. One's other self.

Correct Answer: Option D

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Friend, Amigo, Buddy, Chum, Compadre, Comrade, Confidant, Confidante, Crony, Familiar, Intimate, Mate [Chiefly British], Musketeer, Pal

Antonyms: Enemy, Foe, Antithesis, Converse, Opposite, Reverse


A person who has a strong liking for and trust in another.

8. One's concept of oneself.

Correct Answer: Option B

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Pride, Pridefulness, Self-Esteem, Self-Regard, Self-Respect

Antonyms: Humbleness, Humility, Modesty


A reasonable or justifiable sense of one's worth or importance.

9. One who is excessively fixated on his own desires, needs, etc.

Correct Answer: Option A

Parts of Speech: Adjective

Synonyms: Egoistic, Egotistic (Or Egotistical), Narcissistic, Self-Absorbed, Self-Centered, Self-Concerned, Self-Infatuated, Self-Interested, Self-Involved, Selfish, Self-Loving, Self-Obsessed, Self-Oriented, Self-Preoccupied, Self-Regarding, Self-Seeking, Self-Serving

Antonyms: Self-Forgetful, Self-Forgetting, Selfless, Unselfish


Overly concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests.

10. Morbidly, Obsessively wrapped up in oneself.

Correct Answer: Option B

Parts of Speech: Adjective

Synonyms: Egoistic, Egocentric, Egotistic (Or Egotistical), Narcissistic, Self-Absorbed, Self-Centered, Self-Concerned, Self-Infatuated, Self-Interested, Self-Involved, Selfish, Self-Loving, Self-Obsessed, Self-Oriented, Self-Preoccupied, Self-Regarding, Self-Seeking, Self-Serving

Antonyms: Self-Forgetful, Self-Forgetting, Selfless, Unselfish


Overly concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests.

[Word Power]

Rajashekar KankanalaRajashekarKankanala
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Tags: Aptitude, Reasoning, Static GK, Computer Knowledge, English Language, Preparation Tips

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