20 March, 2019

English Vocabulary Quiz 5

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English Vocabulary Quiz

నేడు పదజాలం క్విజ్ యాదృచ్ఛిక పదాలు ఆంగ్లం గురించి. మేము ఆంగ్ల పదజాలం క్విజ్ కోసం కొన్ని ఉత్తమ పదాలను తీసుకున్నాము. పదాలను బాగా అర్థం చేసుకోవడానికి పర్యాయపదాలు మరియు వ్యతిరేక పదాలు సహాయపడతాయి. మేము గరిష్టంగా సాధ్యమయ్యే పర్యాయపదాలను అందిస్తున్నాము.

1. Pretense.

Correct Answer: Option C

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Pretense, Imitation , Copy, Duplicate

Antonyms: Original, Actual, Initial, Native


Imitation of a situation or process.

2. Pretend.

Correct Answer: Option C

Parts of Speech: Verb

Synonyms: Act, Affect, Assume, Bluff, Counterfeit, Feign, Fake, Pass (For), Pretend, Profess, Put On, Sham, Simulate

Antonyms: Show, Disclose, Expose, Unmask, Reveal, Exhibit


To present a false appearance of.

3. Hint.

Correct Answer: Option A

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Clue, Cue, Indication, Inkling, Hint, Lead, Suggestion

Antonyms: Answer, Solution


A Slight or indirect pointing to something (as a solution or explanation).

4. A Lightening; a making less.

Correct Answer: Option C

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Ease, Comfort, Release, Relief

Antonyms: Torture, Distress, Tribulation, Misery, Pain


Reduction of or freedom from pain.

5. Rise in the air (as by magic or illusion).

Correct Answer: Option B

Parts of Speech: Verb

Synonyms: Float, Rise Into The Air, Rise, Hover, Be Suspended, Glide, Waft, Drift, Hang, Defy Gravity, Fly, Soar Up

Antonyms: Descend, Fell, Abandon, Drop, Fall


Rise or cause to rise and hover in the air, typically by means of supposed magical powers.

6. Flippancy or joking when seriousness is required.

Correct Answer: Option C

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Facetiousness, Flightiness, Flippancy, Frivolousness, Frothiness, Frivolity, Light-Headedness, Light-Mindedness, Lightness, Silliness

Antonyms: Earnestness, Gravity, Seriousness, Soberness, Solemnity, Solemnness


A Lack of seriousness often at an improper time.

7. A Sharing of grief.

Correct Answer: Option B

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Sympathy, Compassion, Feeling

Antonyms: Callousness, Coldheartedness, Hardheartedness, Heartlessness


Sorrow or the capacity to feel sorrow for another's suffering or misfortune.

8. A Swinging back and forth in indecision.

Correct Answer: Option A

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Faltering, Fence-Sitting, Hesitance, Hesitancy, Indecision, Irresolution, Pause, Shilly-Shally, Shilly-Shallying, Hesitation, Wavering, Wobbling

Antonyms: Permanence, Self-confidence, Resolve, Certainty, Decision, Readiness


A State or an instance of temporary inaction because of uncertainty about the right course of action.

9. Conflicted and contrary feelings.

Correct Answer: Option A

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Equivocation, Uncertainty, Unsureness, Doubt, Indecision, Inconclusiveness, Irresolution, Irresoluteness, Hesitation, Hesitancy, Fluctuation, Vacillation, Shilly-Shallying, Tentativeness

Antonyms: Certainty, Aphorism, Woman tough, Consistency, Decisiveness


The state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.

10. Physical swaying; swinging action, as·of a pendulum.

Correct Answer: Option C

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Change, Fluctuation, Inconstancy, Flux

Antonyms: Certitude, Decisiveness, Resolution, Certainty, Confidence, Sureness, Trust


The frequent and usually sudden passing from one condition to another.

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Rajashekar KankanalaRajashekarKankanala
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Tags: Aptitude, Reasoning, Static GK, Computer Knowledge, English Language, Preparation Tips

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