10 June, 2019

Benefits of Drinking Water

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Benefits of Drinking Water

What is essential to sustain life? We know it is water. Drinking water is a benificial thing or not. if we drink enough water what happens let's see.

1. Water for Skin:

Water for Skin

According to scientists, 10 glasses per day, naturally distributed throughout the day. It is ideal for shiny skin and a healthy body!

Your skin has a natural barrier that retains moisture, and if this barrier’s functions are disrupted, your skin may become dry and sensitive.

Drinking water on an empty stomach clears the large intestine, which makes it easier to absorb nutrients that benefit the skin.

Fewer Wrinkles:

The more hydrated you stay, the fewer wrinkles and fine lines you’ll see. It helps to increases your elasticity. The skin is elastic, you can observe fewer wrinkles.

Water keeps skin cells hydrated and to keep away wrinkles. It flushes impurities and toxins out of the body keeping your face fresh and clean.

The blood circulation of the skin drastically increased. The skin appears duller without enough water and wrinkles, pores are more intense. Water and healthy food habits can help us to get more youthful complexion.

Improved Complexion or glow skin:

Drinking enough water can help you combat a variety of skin issues including psoriasis and eczema.

It does this by helping your digestive system flush out toxins from the body. This, in turn, will improve your complexion for healthy and glowing skin.

In addition, one study by the University of Missouri-Columbia found that drinking two cups of water increased blood flow to the skin, which can help even out your skin tone and complexion.

Anatomically, our body is primarily composed of bones, organs, and blood, with blood being the main connective fluid which contributes about 8% of our total body weight. Furthermore, blood is composed of two core components, straw-colored plasma (55%) and proteinous blood corpuscles (45%).

When your blood circulation is optimal, the results can be seen on your skin as well. You know you’re on the path to becoming healthy and beautiful when your sinuses, your digestive tract and even your arteries are clean.

Natural detoxer:

It is not just the models and celebrities, but even expert physicians recommend the same. Your skin is an organ. Water flushes out the toxins from our vital organs while also carrying nutrients to the cells, which helps the organs function at optimum levels.

It helps reduce pimples, marks, and acne, even delaying the aging process to an extent.


Water is the key to enhancing your beauty and to prolonging your youthful look. It hydrates and replenishes the skin tissues leading to an increase in the skin's elasticity. This helps delay the signs of aging such as wrinkles, dark circles or fine lines.

Beyond wrinkles, drinking enough water can help keep your skin plumper, which can slow the aging process. Plump skin also helps hide current signs of aging, so that any wrinkles you already have are minimized.

If you stop drinking water the signs of aging will reappear. Not only does water play an important role in your digestion and circulation, but it’s also vital for your skin’s health and beauty. Water helps you from the inside out.

Water plays a vital role in digestion, blood circulation, absorption of nutrients and the elimination of toxins. Your skin cells are not hydrated sufficiently, the appearance of skin older than your age.

Water is essential to maintain skin moisture, essential nutrients, aging, and wrinkles. Water is the perfect replacement for anti-aging treatments. The cold shower both makes body relaxing, calm the nerves, eliminates redness of the skin and reduce the stress.

Reduced Puffiness

There’s no doubt that our skin can swell sometimes. Most often, this is because our body is retaining water.

Why do we retain water?

Because we’re dehydrated and our body is protecting us. If you want to reduce puffiness and swelling and smooth out your skin, make sure you’re drinking enough water.

Smaller Pores:

Our pores can get clogged and enlarged throughout the day. The more water you drink, the better the balance of oil and water on the surface of your skin. This can help reduce your pore size, decrease acne breakouts, and reduce blemishes.

Reduced Itchiness

When you have dry skin, it can crack, flake, and itch.

It’s easy to solve this problem by drinking enough water and hydrating your skin. When you stay hydrated, your skin is less likely to crack and become itchy.

Tighter Skin:

Do you have sagging skin from weight loss or from aging?

best way to tighten the skin around your stomach, arm, jawline, and legs is to drink more water. it will improve skin elasticity.

Your skin is an organ. In fact, it’s the largest organ in your body, and it’s mostly made up of water. If your skin doesn’t get enough water, not only will it become dry, tight, and flaky, but it will also become even more prone to aging.

Clear Acne

Adult acne is incredibly common.

In fact, it’s estimated that between 40-55% of the adult population age 20-40 has acne. It’s a common skin issue that can be helped by drinking enough water. Water can help flush toxins from the skin and shrink your pores, making them less likely to clog and cause a zit.

If your skin is oily, then your pores will clog up, eventually leading to acne breakouts. Drinking the right amount of water every day might be the easiest way to cure your acne.

Faster Healing:

If you’ve ever gotten a sunburn, you know how painful it can be and how long it can last. The good news is that drinking more water can help speed up the healing process for your sunburn. Yes, you’ll still want to have plenty of Aloe Vera on hand, but drinking more water can also help.

2. Water for Hair:

Water for Hair

The cold temperature constricts the hair cuticles to make the strands smoother and more reflective. It also prevents dirt from accumulating on the scalp and makes hair stronger.

Water does not contain any harsh chemicals found in hair styling products which can make your hair dry and damaged.

It may even stop growing at the maximum genetic rate if you don’t drink enough water to meet your daily needs. The roots of the hair are the means by which water is transported from the body. Drinking water helps to eliminate hair problems like dandruff etc

Water is critical for cell growth and detoxification. To function properly and to avoid dehydration, the body requires between one and seven liters of water every day, though the precise amount would vary depending on individual levels of activity, temperature, humidity, and other factors.

It helps in increasing the hair volume and also darkens the hair color.

When you’re dehydrated, your body begins to conserve water in order to protect your other vital organs. “This can lead to hair loss, thinning, and breakage,” according to Foti.

Hydration not only affects your skin but also affects the health of your hair. It will prevent the hair color from fading.

3. Keeping the Body Fluids Stable:

Keeping the Body Fluids Stable

Our body is made up of 60% water. These bodily fluids consisting of water help in digestion, circulation, absorption, production of saliva, transportation of nutrients throughout the body.

Water helps to maintain body temperature at normal. Intake of water helps your body to keep functioning well. The human brain is up to 90% of water and tissues, muscles are up to 75% of water. So when our body lacks fluid, our brain stops working and we get migraines and headaches due to dehydration.

So it’s better to keep a bottle of water around so that you may replenish the lost fluids. We lose a lot of water content in the process of sweat out. Sweat helps to lower the body temperature. so the body does not overheat.

So when you are outside and sweating excessively, drink plenty of water to help keep dehydration away.

Headaches can occur because of dehydration. so ditch the pills and pick up a water bottle instead. If your brain is deprived of fluids, you may find it difficult to concentrate. It’s hard to be energetic when your body lacks its most essential need.

4. Keeping Muscles Healthy:

Keeping Muscles Healthy

Enough water is required for muscles growth. Muscles are made up of 75% water. Enough water will help to keep their contraction normal and prevent muscular cramps. it will help you to make you stronger and healthy.

5. Water Retention:

Water Retention

Drinking more water gets back to body normal. Less drinking water takes the brain a survival threat and start to store more water in the body creating swollen feet, hands, and legs.

6. Keep the Digestive System Normal:

Keep the Digestive System Normal

Water helps to keep the kidney working properly and digestive process normal. If there is a lack of water in the body, it will result in constipation.

Who has constipation problems they should drink lots of water to keep their digestive system fine?

7. Helps in Weight Loss:

Helps in Weight Loss

Take enough water to prevent fat and to keep healthy. So you can use the advantage of drinking water.

The biggest benefit is weight loss. Soda is loaded with sugar, and the caffeine in coffee and tea dehydrates you instead of hydrating you. Then when you add cream, milk, or sugar, you’re adding even more calories.

Drinking a glass of water before dinner can curb your appetite, helping you to eat less without feeling hungry and frustrated.

Water has been scientifically proved to aid in weight-loss efforts. Take two 8-ounce glasses of water before breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Water increases your metabolism which results in reduced appetite, an effortless way to lose weight. The loss of water from your body reduces the functioning of the kidney, putting excessive pressure on the liver.

The liver usually helps in burning body fats but when tasked with the workload of the kidney as well, it is unable to perform at its best, resulting in fat deposition.

To improve health, increase metabolism with taste. You can add a slice of lemon, orange, cucumber, strawberry to your glass.

8. Thirsty nails

Thirsty nails

When your nails are properly nourished by water, they produce a shiny layer of alpha keratin which enhances their appeal. Water enhances the growth and thickness of the nails.

Hydration is crucial to the structural integrity of nails. Insufficient water intake can lead to brittle, nail prone to breakage, as well as dry, peeling cuticles. Having strong, beautiful nails isn’t an unattainable genetic predisposition.

If you’ve been paying attention, you already know the hack to nail health. All you have to do is get sipping!

9. Detoxification and Heart Health

Detoxification and Heart Health

By increasing your body's hydration, you increase blood circulation, which helps the excretory system and lymphatic system get rid of toxins and whatever else isn't needed.

According to a study published in "Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine" in 2013, heart disease is the leading cause of death among firefighters, due to dehydration.

This puts pressure on the heart because it works harder to pump the blood.

Being consistently dehydrated affects the health of your heart, liver, pancreas, and kidney. Skin with cells and organs are made up primarily of water.

10. pH Balance

pH Balance

If you have problematic skin, you know that maintaining a healthy pH balance is key to keeping your skin blemish-free and glowing. Drinking more water can help balance your pH level to give you healthy skin.

So, how do you make sure you’re getting enough water?

That’s where Manna Hydration can help. Our range of water bottles and tumblers can help you keep water close at hand throughout the day. This means you’ll end up drinking more water and giving your skin exactly what it needs.

Storage: Water is the most important element for our survival. A person can lose all the reserve fats and carbohydrates and about half the body’s proteins without being in real danger, but a loss of 22% of body weight as water is fatal.

The amount of water lost through urine, perspiration and water vapor averages 2.5 liters per day, which should be compensated by consuming fluids daily.

Importance of Drinking Water:

  • Water is essential for a functioning human body. Approximately 50 to 70% of body mass made up of water including skin, cells, tissues, and organs.
  • Water removes toxins and waste products from the body thereby cleansing it.
  • Water is essential for processing all the nutrients from the food that we eat.
  • Lack of water in the body can cause constipation, asthma, allergy, hypertension, migraine, and other health problems.
  • We lose water every day through perspiration, breath, urine, and bowel movements.


We lose water from our body all throughout the day, either by passing urine or through perspiration; and it happens to us all. Take a sip of water for every hour even you’re not feeling thirsty. If you’re looking to improve your overall health then make sure drinking enough water.

Rajashekar KankanalaRajashekarKankanala
Tuts Raja
NTR Colony

Tags: Aptitude, Reasoning, Static GK, Computer Knowledge, English Language, Preparation Tips

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