20 February, 2019

English Vocabulary Quiz 1

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English Vocabulary Quiz

English vocabulary quiz is designed for learning purpose. We are hoping daily 10 vocabulary words helpful to you.

Today we are going to provide vocabulary words of human nature. You can see synonyms, antonyms, and explanation of the word. Also read previous vocabulary quiz about human nature

1. Who lives a lonely, austere life?

Correct Answer: Option B

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Abstainer, Ascetically, Austere, Spartan

Antonyms: Please Comment Word


Someone who practices self denial, austerity, lonely as a spiritual discipline. The simplest food and the least amount of it that will keep body and soul together. These are the characteristics of the good life.

2. Who is supremely selfish?

Correct Answer: Option D

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Egotist, Swellhead, Egocentric

Antonyms: Altruist, Humanitarian, Philanthropist


A self centered person with little regard for others. every decision you make is based on the answer to one question that is "What is the benefit for me?". If your selfishness, greed, and ruthless desire for self advancement hurt other people, that's too bad.

3. Whose interests are turned inward ?

Correct Answer: Option A

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Invaginate

Antonyms: Extrovert


A person who tends to shrink from social contacts and to become preoccupied with their own thoughts. Introvert minutely observe every thought, feeling, and action by thinking about silly stupid questions like "What do other people think about me?", "How do I am looking?", and "Maybe I shouldn't have said like that?". Introvert constant nagging while conversations so other people do not spend much time.Introvert may be shy, quiet, and often moody & unhappy.

4. Who hates women ?

Correct Answer: Option A

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Woman hater

Antonyms: Please Comment Word


A misanthrope who dislikes women in particular. Sometime in your dim past, you were deeply hurtled/wounded by a woman. Women might be lover, friend and any relation. So constructed revenge defense against women further hurt - you hate all women.

5. Who hates people ?

Correct Answer: Option C

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Misanthropist

Antonyms: Optimist, Pollyanna, Positivist Idealist, Sentimentalist


Someone who dislikes people in general. You hate everyone. Especially, but never to be admitted, yourself?. The perfectibility of the human race ? "Nonsense! No way!".

6. Who is incredibly conceited ?

Correct Answer: Option B

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Egoist, Swellhead

Antonyms: Altruist, Humanitarian, Philanthropist


A conceited and self centered person. Now, let's see. Have you heard about all the money I'm earning ?. Did I tell you about my salary. Let me give you my opinion: I know, because I'm an expert at practically everything!". what you think, what you have done, bow good you are, how you would solve the problems of the world, etc.

7. Who hates marriage ?

Correct Answer: Option D

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Misogamy

Antonyms: Please Comment Word


A person who hates marriage. You will not make the ultimate legal commitment with Members of the opposite sex are great as lovers, roommates, or house-sharers, but not as lawfully wedded spouses.The ties that bind are too binding for you. You may possibly believe for yourself, be right, that a commitment is deeper and more meaningful, if freedom is available without judicial proceedings.

8. Whose interests are turned both inward and outward ?

Correct Answer: Option D

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Ambiguous

Antonyms: Please Comment Word


A person who is intermediate between an introvert and extrovert. You have both introverted and extroverted tendencies at different times, on different occasions. Your interests are turned, in about equal proportions, both inward and outward.

9. Whose interests are turned outward ?

Correct Answer: Option C

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Extravert

Antonyms: Introvert, Shrinking violet, Wallflower


A person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and feelings. You would be great a teacher, counselor, administrator, insurance agent. You can always become interested for others. You're the life of the party, because you never worry about the effect of your actions, never inhibit yourself with doubts about dignity or propriety. You are usually happy, generally full of high spirits. Your thoughts, interests, and personality are turned outward.

10. Who is more interested in the welfare of others than in his own ?

Correct Answer: Option B

Parts of Speech: Noun

Synonyms: Philanthropist

Antonyms: Please Comment Word


Someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well being. You have discovered the secret of true happiness concerning yourself with the welfare of others.

[Word Power]

Rajashekar KankanalaRajashekarKankanala
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Tags: Aptitude, Reasoning, Static GK, Computer Knowledge, English Language, Preparation Tips

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